Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reflection on my own learning

Along this semester, I think I've improved my English & this is my reflection about this improvement :

I think I have improve my English & I hope now that my level is B1 because I would like to reach the B2 level in order to pass the CRPE, this is the exam in order to be a teacher.
The fact that we work on group is very good for the apprenticeship & our professor always push us to speak in English, to have a reflection & to exceed our own limits.
We are required to have a reflection in English, to think in English & to speak in English.
It is interesting to be in a class where the levels in English are differents & especially persons who have a best level as mine.
Thanks to that I've learnt new words that I didn't know before.
Working on podcats was interesting too & I think it was a benefit for my oral comprehension.
Moreover, working on an online tool was a novelty for me & I take this idea for my futur life.


After this semester, I've learnt a lot of vocabulary in English, this is the vocabulary I've learnt :
Conflict : In a story or a film, it is the principal problem, in French "l'élément perturbateur".
Langage input : it is what students understand through an activity.
Langage output : it is what students are able to do after an activity. 
Mimes : When you don't speak, you just do gestures in order to describe a scene for example.
Plot : It is the fiel of a film or a piece of theatre. "Intrigue" in French.
Podcast : A podcast is a video taken in itunes, you can watch it when you want, change sound quality & the speed, download it & watch it when you want, lists of podcasts are regularly updated.
Resolution : In a story or a film, it is an action, it is when the conflict is resolved.
Role playing : Role playing is a scene of real life played by people.
Slide : This is something that you project on a wall in order to make presentation for example or to see photos. "Diapositive" in French.
Storyline : This is the "scenario" in French.
Templates : Templates are all tools made for the design.
Vilain : It is the person that is mean or bad in a story or a film, it is the opposite of the hero.
Wordscape :  It resemble to a landscape but it is a representation of a word, in a wordscape you can see how many time the word had been said for example.


Edublogs is a tool made for teachers. In the classroom you can create a blog.
All the students can participate to the blog & share with the others, I think it is very interactive & fun. Use it.


 Wordle is a website were you can create a "mix of words". It is interesting to use this tool in order to create posters for the class when you are a teacher. With this, you can taught the vocabulary of a story for example.

 Examples of wordle creations :

Third podcast : Visualizing Data, The birth of a word

You can find this podcast on itunes u, in Vusualizing Data, Deb Roy, the birth of a word. It lasts 19min52.

This podcast is about a record life. The speaker, Deb Roy, filmed his personnal life during 3 years, he recorded 90 000 hours of video, 140 000 hours of audio & it represents 200 terabytes.
This special home video recording system was made for a research, it was made in order to understand what is the influence of social environement on language aquisition.
Because, during this 3 years, Bed Roy had a babyboy & thanks to differents methods (wordscape, worm...) we could really understand the process of language acquisition.
In the video, we can see that in the first year, the baby learnt 500 words.
In an audio recording, the speaker shew the evolution of the word "water" : we listen at first the word "gaga" & at the end we listen the word "water". 

I think it is very interesting to do that, like that we could really see how the word is used by child  in the everyday life. Moreover, with all the tools used, the analysis is more precise.
The example of "gaga" (water) souds like magical, it wonderfull to can listen an evolution like that.
I think we should do that more in order to understand the language acquisition.
Something in the podcast drew mu attention : Deb Roy said that it is no the child who learnt from the environment but it is the environment that learnt from the child.
I think it is a very amazing, incredible & special point of view...
At the beginning I didn't really understand what does it mean but now I suppose that it means that the child is a person & he influence the environment as a person.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Do you know Deviantart?
It is a website where you can find many images, arts, pictures...etc
People can share images & comment on the orther's.
It's a site for artists or people who like art.
If you search in the categories, you can find "Digital art", it's interesting to see that art isn't necessarily with a written support or a sculpture, it could be digital too.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A perspective on teaching by Lee Shulman

You'll find this podcast on itunes u, in Standford school of education, you'll find the podcast named : "A perspective on teaching by Lee Shulman".

I've chose the podcast video of Lee Shulmann in order to ask questions:

1) What sort of camp isn't mention by the woman at the begining of the video?
Sport camps
Technology camps
Maths camps
Science camps or
Art Camps

2) According to the woman, what does Lee Shulman devoded most of his career?
He devoded most of his career to the support of excellent teaching

3) How long did the programm of Shulman lasted?
15 years (from 1982 to 1997-98)

4) How many years did he spent in a medical school?
Over 8 years
Over 11 years
Over 10 years

5) Do they do brain surgery in medical school?
Yes, they do

6) What id the name of the book Shulman talked about?
How to talk about books you haven't read?

7) According to Shulman, what sort of response can give a child who has raed just the first page of the text compared to another student who have read the text?
Stupid response
Splendid response
Fool response
Amazing response 

8) For Shulman, what is the most important thing we can teach our students?
 How to make sense of books they haven't (traditionaly) read
9) When you read a book, you read .......
The others
About people

10) How many infections occur during a year?
0,5 milion of infections
1 million of infections
2 million of infections

12) What is the title of the blog from the Daily New York Time?
Speaking up for passion to savety & survival better handwashing throught technology

13) What is the paradox with this number of infections?
Infections don't necessite hights costs, they just necessite handwashing

14) A physical exam lasts 10 minutes?
No, it lasts 10 minutes or less

15) What does we have to recognize?
We have to recognize that the texts aren't really read


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dallas Museum of Art : Artistic voices

You'ill find these podcasts in itunes u, then type "dallas museum" in the search engine, then click on the "Dallas Museum of Art : Artistic voices". Now you can see the different podcasts. (The Coffin of Horank, John Cage, A.R Penck, Victor Grippo, Linda Ridgway talks about gravity, Bronze roses, Hidden Meanings in arts, Granite stone & Houston Police Memorial)


The coffin of Horank 


The Coffin of Horank is a part of Dallas museum of art. This museum has a web-based digital media library (on itunes' podcasts).
Those artistic voices is an important contribution of the museum.
It's important for museum education technology model for greater access to programming and information about the collections.
I'll try to explain to you what the podcast says :
In the inscrptions at the button of the coffin we can see the name of Horank & Osiris, the gard of the afterworld.
The figure represents the momie. The face is Osiris and green because egyptians believe in rebirth & in the afterlife and the green is the color of the birth.
All in this figure indicates that it's a royal firgure : the beard, the hair for example.
In this figure what really identify immortal life are the eyes because they are wide open to the internal life.

John Cage

J. Cage is a composer. Some pieces of his work (oeuvre)
are into the Dallas Museum.
This pieces are pieces of contemporary art collection;
That referred in the podcast represents world for Cage.
Sound is used as medium : each person has his own music
In different speeds etc is the way we received the world.
I didn't found any photos on the web about this piece. 






A.R Penck

As the sculpture of John Cage, this one is a part of the contemporary art collection of the museum of Dallas.
A.R Penck is a German artist.
This scuplture is made by duct tape because it was the own thing he had at the moment he made the sculpture.
For the person who talk in the podcast the sculpture shows what was life for Penck, he exprimes his sensitiveness throught this sculpture.

Victor Grippo

As the two previous sculpture, this one is a part of the contemporary art collection of Dallas Museum.
This one is made by Victor Grippo, the person who comment the podcast explains that the artist filed shapes and into those shapes he filed black beans.
He chose black beans because it a food foundable anywhere in the world & eaten by every people.
 After subsequent time the shapes exploded
& the artist had no idea of when
the beans would be deposed.
The sculpture show the persons
& the kind of person. 



Linda Ridgway talks about gravity

In this episode, the artist Linda Ridgway talks about gravity.
She explains that she likes playing with the gravity, she likes catching things at different moment.
For her it's exciting because she can catch a drop for example & in the real life we can catch a drop.

Bronze roses

In the episode, at the beginning we can see a place where the bonze roses are made & how they are made
For Linda Ridgway, each roses are specific.
The American artist Linda Ridgway says that she's picky & that the shadow is important.
The effect is made by a special ink.


Hidden Meanings in arts

The vision of Jesus Moroles is to give too much information & people have to made their own solutions.
He learns more about the work from other people.
For him, you can know more about a person by his work than other things.
The explanation is not on work it's on experience on work.
When you told them what it is you take the mystery out of it.

Granite stone

The granite sculptor Jesus Moroles said that he changed his perspective now he wants to speak to him, he thinks that it's not just a piece of rock he thinks that he is the stone.
He realized a connection between him & a stone when hi was
working with the stone he
didn't realized that there
was 25 persons around him.









Houston Police Memorial

In this episode, Jesus Moroles explains his emotion with the Houston Police Memorial.
It's growing out of the ground.
When you look it from the sky, it's a cross.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

What do you think about art?

What do you think about art?
Or What is art for you?
Yestarday I came to Grenoble Museum & I discovered the "Hidden collection" of Gauguin.
Personnaly, I'm just disappointed because I discovered that Gauguin was married & that he was "in love" with another woman...
I adore Gauguin's work (oeuvre) but the fact that he was married & that he "loved" another woman disapointed me...
I hate men that are in this way of thinking.
But, I reflect myself & I realize that Gauguin (from that I know), never "cheat" his wife so I think that art could be an expression of ourselves & it can allow expression of what we have in our spirit.
I went to the "abstract section" & I discovered many "strange things" that I never saw before & I thank in myself : "They are crazy!!".
Yes, I think they are crazy.
But, are not we all crazy?


What is technology?

This is the first job our teacher gave us : what is technology?
With all we have studied in class, I think technology is a concept of developpement, of human developpement in order to be more precise.
Human is in constant evolution & he had allways been in this way.

Of all times, human was in the way of creation, creation of useful things in order to improve the everyday life(paper made in China in 105, manuscrpit transcription in 382, television in 1970, computers in 1990, laptops in 2000).

Today we are thinking about technology as digital, artificial intelligence, iphone, computers & laptops but tomorrow we don't know what technology will refer to, it changes all the time.
If you want to see everyday new techologies, you can visit this website :


Wednesday, February 8, 2012



My name is Aurore & I'm 24 y.o.
I'm a French student at Stendhal University in Grenoble.
I study linguistics & it's my first year. :-)

I like sports, shopping, nature & I'm addicted of learnings.
Indeed, I've stopped my studies in my first year of lycee so I didn't have my "BAC".
I've decided to return to school in 2008 after 2 years of a job in school as a "school employee".
So, I passed my BAC & I came at University.
For me, it's a wonderfull road I've decided to take & I'm very proud of myself even if I don't consider myself as a model.

I'm happy to begin this blog for my English course "Didactique de l'anglais".
We have to comment on a subject we have chosen.
I'm impatient to comment podcasting & I hope you'll take as much pleasure as I'll take to do so.
Tell me who are you too & if you like my blog.
I'll do the same for you...

See you.
Bye bye!!
